CHT’s 2023 Wrapped

Published On: December 5th, 2023|Categories: Our Organization|

Maybe you’re a Spotify user and your “Wrapped” has arrived. Maybe you’re writing holiday cards to family and friends and reflecting on what your family has been up to for the year. Maybe your work requires some year-end reporting that requires you to tally your accomplishments for the year.

For many of us, the end of the calendar year brings reason for some kind of reflection, and of course, we’re thinking about all that has happened at CHT this year, too.

This small graphic doesn’t even begin to capture it all. It’s been an exciting, busy year, one where we’ve welcomed 11 new homeowners into the CHT family, added 5 brand new (beautiful!) townhomes to our inventory, and supported dozens of homeowners in keeping their homes in great shape. We’ve met countless community members at events and shared opportunities for affordable homeownership, financial education, and partnership. We’re grateful for all the opportunities we’ve had to work with partner organizations and neighbors to help keep our communities affordable and welcoming places to live.

Thanks for being part of that work! Whether you’ve purchased or sold a home with us this year, made a donation, participated in a workshop, attended an event, or worked with us on a home maintenance project, you’re part of what has made 2023 such a fantastic year for us at CHT. As we reflect on the year past and think ahead to what’s coming in 2024, we’re so grateful for your partnership and support.

Wishing you all the best in 2024!

With gratitude,

The CHT staff team

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