This fund provides no-interest loans to CHT homeowners in need of repairs and/or replacement of items related to the long-term sustainability of their homes. Payment assistance is available for items not covered by HOAs, insurance, or the Stewardship Program and prioritizes support for urgent and/or immediate needs.

Learn more about the establishment of the fund and Robert Dowling, our former executive director, in whose honor it was established.

Please note: Community Home trust does not provide emergency services. Our office is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30 am – 3:30 pm and Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays by appointment only. We are closed on weekends. Homeowners may need to pay contractors for emergency services or to obtain diagnoses and estimates prior to loan review and approval. We make every effort to process reimbursements in a timely fashion.

These are some eligible uses for the fund:

  • HVAC repair or replacement
  • Roof and exterior maintenance (including gutters, paint, trim, etc.)
  • Hot water heater repair or replacement
  • Crawlspace Repairs
  • Mold Remediation
  • Plumbing leaks (including possible water damage)
  • Plumbing repair (e.g. faucet loose or not working, sewer back up, replacement of sewer line)   
  • Water/mold damage from exterior water intrusion or condensation 
  • Rot or deterioration of entrance stairs or deck/porch 
  • Electrical repairs 
  • Window/ exterior door replacement   
  • Dryer exhaust duct repair   
  • Tree removal (trees or large limbs that could damage house structure) 
  • Accessibility/mobility after accident  
  • Pest control issues/damage 
  • Other repairs deemed necessary for safe and healthy habitation 
  • Other repairs deemed necessary for the preservation of the home or affordability

If you have questions about whether your project is eligible, contact Property Manager Ian Morse at or 919.967.1545 x306.

Please note: The maximum loan amount available from the fund over the length of a homeowner’s tenure is $5,000.

  1. Complete and submit the application here. If further information is needed, you will be contacted by a member of Community Home Trust’s staff.
  2. Submit required income eligibility documentation. You will be contacted by a member of Community Home Trust’s staff to request this documentation after we have reviewed your application.
  3. If/when the loan is approved, you will be contacted to schedule a time to meet with our Property Manager and a Notary Public to sign the promissory note.
  4. If you have not already, contact a contractor to obtain a diagnosis and estimate for the repair.
  5. Schedule and oversee the repairs, then provide receipts to Community Home Trust for reimbursement. Please note: this fund is for reimbursement only, so you will need to pay out of pocket for the repairs initially. CHT makes every effort to process reimbursements in a timely manner.

No, you do not need to wait, especially if the repair is urgent. This loan provides reimbursement only, so regardless, you will need to pay for the repair out of pocket initially. Then you will be reimbursed if you are approved for the loan.

In order to qualify, a household must earn below 115% of the area median income (AMI). Total assets (excluding retirement) must not exceed $5,000. You must also be current on all mortgage, HOA dues, and ground lease fees to qualify for the loan.

Yes, you will sign a promissory note at the time of the loan, and you will be required to pay back the loan when you sell your home. While you own your home, you will not be required to make any payments, and the loan will accrue no interest. It can also be repaid early, if you choose, without penalty.

Documents that may be required:

For Income:

  • Most recent tax return – if you have income listed on your tax return that is not included in the below requests, please provide documentation of that income. (i.e. dog walking, hair dressing, babysitting, house cleaning, etc.)
  • 3 months of pay stubs
  • 3 months of bank statements (checking & savings)
  • YTD profit and loss statement for business income earned, along with previous year’s taxes
  • Other income (if applicable)
  • Social Security/Social Security Disability Income (SSI/SSDI) Award letter
  • Child support or alimony agreements
  • Copy of most recent mortgage statement showing the balance is current
  • Separation Agreement or Divorce Judgment
  • Verification of Employment (VOE)

For Repairs:

  • Copy of invoice or quote from contractor
  • Copy of proof of payment

After we receive and review your application, we will contact you to request some or all of the above documentation.

Once we have requested your documents, you can mail them to CHT Homebuyer Support Specialist, Ivelisse Mercado at P.O. Box 2315, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 or email them to imercado@communityhometrust.orgYou can also drop your documents off at our office (105 Conner Drive, Suite 1000, Chapel Hill).

Based on your type of employment, select the appropriate form below. Click to download, print, and complete the form.

Employment verification form: employer to complete

Self-employment verification form: employee to complete

Contact CHT Property Manager Ian Morse at or 919.967.1545 x306.