Legion Road Community Day

Published On: June 21st, 2024|Categories: Guest Posts, Homeowner Stories|

By Deneane Stanley, CHT Homeowner and Ambassador

Editor’s note: Every year, the homeowners in the Legion Road community get together for a community day, during which they work together on cleaning up and beautifying their neighborhood. This year’s reflection is written by long-time CHT homeowner and 2021 Deanna Carson Memorial Good Neighbor Award recipient, Deneane Stanley.

It was a Beautiful Day in our Neighborhood!

The day was planned, however, there were many mishaps along the way. Projects were in place, changes happened that disrupted many of our plans, but we are truly better together. Change happened, however, we were able to go with it. We assessed each problem and came up with a solution which resulted in a successful community day.

The most important project was to mulch the property. And so… we reached out to a local landscaper, Mr. Jason Barnette, founder and owner of Barnette Lawn Care (www.barnettelawncare.com) who agreed to lead these efforts. With a generous donation of mulch from Orange County Solid Waste Department, we were ready to go! Success was inevitable now…on Friday, June 7, a mountain of mulch was delivered to our parking lot ready for spreading on June 8.

The morning of June 8, after picking up some snacks for breakfast, water for hydration, and fruit for energy, I pulled up to the property around 7:30 am to find Mr. Barnette already filling the first of what would be many, many, many, many wheel barrels with mulch for spreading. And it began…the first neighbor to show up was Estella, who was eager to get started in order to beat the sun that would arrive in the next few hours. The project would be from 9:00 am – 12:00pm. Jason provided the strategy that would accomplish our goal and the neighbors began to gather to assist.

We looked up and welcomed CHT current and former staff, other homeowners, and relatives and friends of homeowners. It was a wonderful event. The first project, spreading the mulch, was a grand success. The neighbors stayed around and enjoyed each other’s company well into the afternoon. Everyone was able to contribute to a wonderful day in our neighborhood, despite a number of obstacles. Things are always better together!

A big thank you is in order for the residents of Legion Road Townhomes, CHT staff, friends of friends, family of family, Orange County Solid Waste Department, and especially Mr. Barnette for leading our spectacular mulching project. We can always do it better together. Legion Road Townhome Residents are maintaining the “Unity” in “community”!

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