Your Weekend Recommendations from Our Staff

Published On: August 13th, 2021|Categories: Our Organization, Tips and Recommendations|
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It’s been a long, hot week here in North Carolina — and much of the country. The weekend ahead is looking stormy. Maybe you’re wondering what to read or watch this weekend while you’re staying safe and cool inside?

We asked some expert binge-ers on our staff for their favorite summer binge recommendations. Here’s what they had to say.

Calvin Burton

Development and Donor Relations Manager Calvin Burton recommends Atypical on Netflix. He says he loves it because it highlights the life of an autistic young man navigating life as a high schooler and then college student. It’s brave and heartwarming. It showcases his struggles and triumph, instilling hope and understanding in watchers along the way. Bonus: the episodes are only 15 minutes long! So you can binge a whole bunch on Sunday when you’re avoiding thinking about the upcoming workweek.

Amy Slaughter

Sales Manager Amy Slaughter recommends watching Unsellable Houses for anyone who loves a good “before and after.” She says she loves to see how they take something old and make it new. “The show gives me good ideas for redecorating my own home and serves as a good reminder to maintain my home so it never becomes ‘unsellable.’” (Someone on our team was going to have to recommend a home remodeling show, right?)

Kimberly Sanchez

Executive Director Kimberly Sanchez says she has been re-bingeging (did she invent that word?) Game of Thrones: because dragons! She recommends it for an hour — or a few — of completely checking out from reality. Sounds like a good plan for a weekend!

Lori Woolworth

Director of Operations and Finance Lori Woolworth is also interested in something to check out with — but she says Gilmore Girls is more her style. It’s easy to watch, funny, and great to have on in the background. (Maybe don’t ask her how many times she’s binged it before.)

Yandry Mastromihalis

Program Coordinator Yandry Mastromihalis has a movie recommendation, and it’s a hot one right now: Vivo! She describes it as a musical that shows love and grief in a relatable way, and she says it’s great for all ages.

As for the bookish members of our team…

Ian Morse

Property Manager Ian Morse recommends reading The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. He says it has great characters and lots of suspense and really puts you in Barcelona — and it makes you want to go there! “It’s layered and thought provoking, but would also work on a beach or plane.”

Daniele Berman

Manager of Marketing and Communications Daniele Berman recommends reading Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy. She says it’s really well written and impossible to put down, especially if you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic fiction. It even includes a global pandemic! The perfect escape from…well, maybe not.

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