The Home Team

In January 2024, we launched our pilot ambassador program, called the Home Team. This small group of CHT residents worked with CHT staff over the course of the year to become trained ambassadors for our organization, and they had a huge impact on our ability to reach more folks in the community. All of the participants attended quarterly trainings to learn more about housing advocacy, land trusts, and the impact CHT has on the community. They also chose specific targeted outreach opportunities to participate in as individuals. Here’s a list of some of the things they accomplished over the course of the year:
- 3 team members brought in new CHT applicants
- 6 participated in tabling events
- 4 spoke at a Town Council meeting
- 3 spoke at our New Homeowner Welcome Party
- 1 had a conversation with the mayor of Chapel Hill
- 1 connected us with a new partner organization
- 1 interviewed a new CHT homeowner for a blogpost
- 3 participated in community education/engagement programs
- 1 advocated for her CHT neighbors
- 2 cultivated community events for their neighborhood
Here’s what some of the inaugural Home Team members had to say about their experience with the program:
- “I liked meeting other homeowners and getting their perspective of things and how things run.”
- “The training was great and increased our knowledge of CHT vision and services. Opportunities to support and advocate for affordable housing through community engagement was what I liked best. I learned that the best ambassadors are those who have experienced the benefits of homeownership and the collaboration with the organization is the best marketing and advocacy possible for pushing the agenda to eradicate homelessness in our communities.”
- “It was great to be part of a formal advocacy group to support a cause dear to my heart.”
- “My favorite part about being part of CHT home team ambassadors was the camaraderie and getting to know people from other communities and just feeling the overall love and support for what Community Home Trust does.”
- “I am blessed with affordable home ownership via CHT and can therefore confidently and honestly discuss the need and benefits of the solutions taking shape around us through the efforts of CHT and other partners.”
- “Spreading knowledge of CHT was the most beneficial part to me. I liked the enthusiasm people had with knowledge of the program. I was proud to be able to share the program’s importance in the area today.”
- “My favorite thing was to find out that someone I spoke with actually went to the website and applied.”
- “This has been a great experience and I consider myself a lifelong advocate and ambassador for Community Home Trust.”
Are you a CHT homeowner, tenant, or friend who is interested in learning more about joining a future Home Team cohort? Email Director of External Relations and Advocacy Daniele Berman at to let us know!