Board AND Homeowner Stories: Meet Our Board President, Kelley Gregory

Published On: November 10th, 2020|Categories: Homeowner Stories, Our Organization|
Kelley Gregory

At our Annual Meeting on October 22, we elected a new President of our Board of Directors: Kelley Gregory. Kelley has been a Community Home Trust homeowner for eight years and a board member for the past five. She will serve as president for the next year until she finishes her six-year term on the board.

Kelley and her son live in Ballentine, and after attending an annual meeting and sharing her feedback as a homeowner several years ago, she was invited to join the board and contribute to the leadership of CHT. She’s excited to be able to share her experience with the organization — both as a homeowner and as a board member — and to use that experience to inform CHT’s path forward. “If I wasn’t a home owner and didn’t realize the process and know it from both a higher level on the board and then being a homeowner, I think I wouldn’t have the depth and breadth of experience with Community Home Trust” to lead the board, she shared.

In her time as board president, Kelley plans to focus on the significant growth in need for affordable housing and creative ways of meeting that need, whether it be rental, home ownership, or a path from one to the other. “It makes me happy. I like thinking about Community Home Trust. I love the group, I love the leadership, and I’m really excited about bringing together new ideas.”

We are so thrilled to have Kelley leading us in the months ahead! Thank you, Kelley, for your commitment to our mission and growth.

If you’d like to hear more from our interview with Kelley, you can watch a 4.5-minute clip below.

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